
mardi 25 novembre 2014

Festive Hotel in Singapore, Gen C

Festive Hotel in Singapore attracts Gen C guests thanks to his website :
We can find links to :
-       Facebook
-       Tweeter
-       Google+
-       Linked-in
-       Youtube
-       Instagram
-       RWScoop blog
-       Marine life park blog

Festive Hotel in Singapore uses the way in which generation C consumers are planning, booking, experiencing and talking about their travel in order to meet the 4 Gen C characteristics which are connexion, community, creation and curation.
For instance :
-       518 533 people like on the facebook page of the hostel,
-        free wifi for guests during their stay,
-       the hotel get a certificate of excellence from tripadvisor in 2013 and 2014 and other awards but tripadvisor is the best exemple to represent the community.
-       moments to share !! J

-       and more …

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